Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Happy New Year!!  Let’s open 2015 on a high note.

My grandmother (Big Mama) raised ten(10)children on several acres adjacent to a railroad on Royal College Hill outside the city limits of Conroe, Texas.  Papa, my grandfather, was a carpenter.  He  built houses.  He built the house I was raised in and Big Mama’s house, of course.   Only hers had a length-wide  carport porch, she called the ‘garrett’.    After all of Big Mama’s children left home, she continued to cook large meals.   She started  feeding the “hobos”  that rode the train from city-to- city. Hobos were the homeless of that day. I thought my grandmother was an amazing woman because of her  unrelenting pioneering non-conforming ways.

Willa Scott is our amazing woman of the year.  She reminds me of the amazing women I meet  that ‘never stop giving, engaging and doing’.   Mrs. Scott is the mother of eight children with  a real overflow ‘boatload’ of grandchildren.  I think there are  some great grand arriving on the scene now.  She and her husband, Master Sergeant James Scott, U. S. Marine Retired,  have been married for 48 years, spending a lion’s share of those years moving, traveling and making homes around the world.  Their friends come from all corners of the universe, all religions and cultures.   Willa Scott continues to lead a too busy life.

Last year I had the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Scott  and in pre-production I asked what do you want to talk about.  In addition to minding the Scott Clan, Mrs. Scott and her husband are devoted missionaries being invited to speak about their marvelous journey of love, light, peace and unity all these years.  Well, her subject turned out to be among the best I have done and one of the most popular.   The Scotts  call it their ‘critical mission’ which is keeping families together, staying married and living with peace in your home.

What a necessary beginning for a new year.


w/Dr. & Mrs. T.L. Brown, Hyatt Regency,

January 16, 2015.