My Day: A Salute: 50th Anniversary Luncheon Davis Apparel Shop

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

In the 1960’s African American businesses enjoyed a lot of success, an impressive bottom line and  loyal long term employees primarily family members.  Believe it or not,  South Dallas was home to  more than 3,000 African American businesses in a six(6) block area not to mention the ones in North Dallas.  The customer service was exceptional.  And Connie Davis, founder/buyer of Davis Apparel Shop wrote the playbill for excellence in this arena. Her chic boutique was located in the very heart of “sunny” South Dallas.

On February 5, Davis Apparel Shop celebrated fifty(50)years as a family owned business.  The company, started by Connie Davis and Alvin Davis, Sr., now both deceased, continues  under  the baton of their son Alvin Davis, Jr., President and General Manager.   Rev. Samuel Washington, Roberts Ready to Wear, down the street,  now passed his  50 year milestone, remembers when they started.  The first location was on Corinth Street.  Onward to Grand Avenue for 34 years to the current location on Martin Luther King, Blvd., with a brand that spans several states and countries.

This special celebration  takes place on Monday, April 20, 2015 at Edison’s Dallas at 11:30 AM.  Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson will serve as Honorary Chair with General Leon Johnson as Event Chair.  This event becomes even more significant as we follow and continue the founders’ passion for education, mentoring,  training young ladies from the schools and offices in the community.

The 21st Century’s MOST PROMISING LEADERS will be the highlight of the luncheon.  In our military academies African Americans and other minorities represent a very low percentage of cadets.  In attendance will be the brightest, the best, the most intellectual cadets from the DISD ROTC Programs.  They represent the ideas that America emphasizes and are in direct response to the visionary ideas

that lead the Connie and Alvin Davis passion parade of stars for years.

SAVE . . . the date.  Plan to attend.  Meet the aspiring young leaders.  Contact us no later than  March 31, 2015 to confirm your participation.  For questions, call Ms. Peoples, Event Coordinator,  at 817.689.4344 or  yours very truly, Ester Davis, Program Chair at 214.376.9000.