Momentum Happens In Politics Too And Vice President Kamala Harris Has It


By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.

It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish. Bend but don’t break. These are two expressions that have been a part of the American folklore for many years.

As we have made our way through trials and tribulations, we have had moments where we were almost out of commission. We were on a bent knee, not a broken knee.

Sports have given rise to any number of do-or-die moments. For example, being down a match point in a tennis match is daunting, but we’ve watched enough matches to know that players recover and win those matches. You pick a sport, and you have watched similar scenarios unfold.

There are illnesses too that challenge us, yet we overcome them. We don’t give up, and we don’t give in to them. So, everyday life can sometimes give us a fit, but we persevere and get better.

When we do get better and get victory over our circumstances, we begin to soar. A boom replaces doom. A can-do attitude replaces a can’t-do attitude. It’s simply called momentum. When you get it, nothing can stop you.

I believe Vice President Harris has this poem by Maya Angelou with her on the campaign trail. You do remember Still I Rise By Maya Angelou? “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies; you may trod me in the very dirt. But still, like dust, I’ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells pumping in my living room.”

These poetic words by Dr. Maya Angelou, in some ways, mirror what is happening now in the race for president. The Harris-Walz ticket has created unprecedented momentum. They are riding a wave of big crowds and wide-scale enthusiasm among would-be voters.

Looking at this momentum, they have wrestled away from the other side, which is unlike anything we have ever seen in American politics. One month ago, the Biden-Harris team was on the outside looking in without much hope. Now, they are inside with renewed vigor and vitality. They have, in the words of this generation, kicked the other side to the curb.

This wave of good fortune means they will be in good shape as the Democratic National Convention begins in Chicago. The DNC is scheduled August 19th-22nd. It is safe to say that the delegates will have 4 days of high energy, high hopes and unbridled joy.

They are going into this convention believing they can win the general election in the Fall. They have the momentum and aren’t letting go of it. Now, there are so many groups that have formed that are supporting Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz.

The Obamas and the Clintons will be there making their presence known. President Joe Biden will make a speech on Monday night that will pass the torch to Vice President Harris.

On last Friday, in Raleigh NC, Vice President Harris outlined her economic agenda. She said, “Our economy is the strongest that it has ever been. We will build an opportunity economy. An economy where everyone will be able to compete. America will define the future and lead the world. The middle class is one of our basic strengths. When the middle class is strong, America is strong.”

She added, “Bringing down costs will be a top priority of my administration. I will go after the bad actors. I will work on passing a federal ban on price gouging on food”.

The Republicans are in the oven and burning up. They have been overcooked. They want to hurt and harm Americans. For example, they want to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act. Our mandate is to vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the upcoming election. Let’s keep the momentum.