May is Older American Month

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Part One

What is Probate?  What do Probate Courts do?  What is jurisdiction of Probate Courts in Dallas County? How do Probate Courts affect my life?  How do I avoid Probate? What are typical frauds and scams?  What is a guardianship?  What is the impact of Elder Financial Safety Center on Dallas County?  These are just a few of the questions we wanted to address during our time with Judge Thompson.  In partnership with me and this series, I am asking you to use your “handy-dandy ever-present”  hand computer (cell phone) and look up, educate yourself on some of these terms.

Let’s start here.  The 2018 theme for Older American Month is “Engage at Every Age”.  The Administration on Aging ( leads our nation in observance of Older American Month.  AARP is the largest informational resource  for Americans over 55 nationwide.  Texas , because of our size, is a global thought leader in approaches to resources, legal services, guardianship compliance, etc.  As an example, herewith are some state statistics compliments of the 85th Legislative Session.  The population of Texans over age 65 projected to double by 2030 to almost 6 million.  There are 54,693 active guardianships  in Texas.  That is a 66% increase in guardianships since 2011.  There is $5 Billions in assets under court and guardians control in Texas.  Very Important:  Of the 54,000 plus active guardianships, 20,000 plus are handled in non-statutory probate counties (244 counties).  There are 18 statutory probate courts in 10 counties.  The 20,000 plus in non-statutory probate counties are handled by county courts at law (lawyer judges) in courts of general jurisdiction and in constitutional law courts.

Now keep that word “ non statutory” probate in mind.  We will explore it and “statutory”  in depth during this series with Judge Thompson.   Also keep in mind, these are Texas laws and courts.

Years ago, I interviewed Judge Thompson in her offices before being elected for our then Time Warner “Ester Davis Television Shows”.  Judge Thompson has been a global thought leader in approaches and protection for Texans.  Brenda Hull Thompson is the Presiding Judge of the Probate Court of Dallas County.  Elected in 2010, she has more than twenty(20)years of service to the community in civil practice and in mediations.  She is the first elected African American Statutory Probate Judge and is the local Administrative Judge for the Dallas County Probate Courts.  There is that important word again to- wit:  ‘statutory’.  I was invited to attend  the Texas Bar Foundation Gala the year Judge Thompson was the recipient of the Merrill Hartman Judicial Pro Bono Service Award presented by the Dallas Bar Association.

Judge Thompson is referred to as a “ global thought leader” because of her tireless ongoing work and groundbreaking implementations  for “this community”.  In a unique collaborative partnership between The Senior Source, Dallas County Probate Courts and Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, prosecution, prevention and protection services are now sitting on the front row for Dallas Seniors.  The Elder Financial Safety Center is a vision-to-real time center ensuring every older adult in Dallas and across America live in a safe community with the resources to securely age with dignity.

To be continued . . . Part Two:  The Elder Financial Safety Center

 Ester Davis can be reached, or 214.376.9000