May Day: A Consequential Week


By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Is our Parkland County Hospital prepared for a surge of 400 plus patients ER with the Corona Virus? Why did Buttigieg run anyway?  Is Facebook’s struggle to execute  their new security plan the  week of Super Tuesday really working?  When are our children getting on flights to come home?   This monstrous  virus has no party affiliation nor can it vote.  Who cut the CDC budget?  Whoever does that?

To round out this consequential week . . . a split second real angry tornado in Tennessee before the polls opened in America on March 3, reminding us of how precious life is.

Let’s start here.  Wheels started moving into anxiety mode, when I received an email from the United Nations Secretary General’s Office  on the corona virus threat.  They decided to cancel all non governmental organizations — commission on the status of women, activities and forums. (NGO CSW).  Their recommendations came by way of the UN Secretary General, UN Women and the World Health Organization (WHO).  That was February 28, 2020, where there are about 500 parallel events scheduled through these offices.

Closer to home, Houston mothers are gaining momentum wanting  their abroad university children to come home without the unchartered delays doing this virus threat.  Traveling for years  abroad, I was always in awe looking at the massive departure/arrival schedule at airports to America and flights from America.  At conferences and commission meetings, there was always a mixture of exchange students serving as hosts, escorts and interrupters in the midst of the pomp and circumstance protocol for the five(5)major languages and beyond.  It was obvious to conclude that the educational world was preparing a generation of world visionaries with cultural awareness, diplomacy and required degrees.

Into the “home stretch” on Monday of this series of consequences, my Memoir Class made this easy to digest. . .quickly placing a timeline priority.   Are we safe?  How far is this going?  Where is the vaccine?  How prepared are we for this thing?  However, politics always enters the room  as it should.   This consequential week for Mayor Pete Buttigreg  was a planned agenda message to America who ran for President of the United States and made it all the way to Super Tuesday.    You still cannot ‘segregate’.

We are still all Americans.  These Americans also have a voice.   Senator Royce West attended a Royal Reception hosted at a mansion of professional Africans and their Chiefs. (Valido    Bernie Sanders wowed the millennials with members of his travel team who covered lots of ground in Texas.   I was most impressed with Actor Kendrick Sampson (video at Attache Cigar Bar,  by way of Shaun King, with a finale by “Freeway” Ricky Ross at Sankofa’s.

I am out of space as usual.. . not words.  But I think Judge Sandra Jackson put a ‘rapp’ on this consequential week.  Here are the key words. Joe Biden, black women, South Carolina, U. S. Congressman Clyburn’s endorsement, Selma, John Lewis, 55th anniversary march;  the hallmark of this consequential week boils down to… “the power of the right voice”  officially opening the 2020 National Election in the United States of America. CFN Networks
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