Machines of the Gods


William Lyons’ latest novel, “Machines of the Gods”, is a journey through the mind of a technical expert who creates a fast-paced science fiction thriller. In this epic tale, thirty-five-year-old FBI Agent Steve “Ace” Miller has been sent to a top-secret military base in Dallas, Texas to find and capture an illusive cyber terrorist who is currently in possession of an ancient orb (crystal-shaped sphere) that contains the blueprints of dozens of super-advanced and deadly alien weapons.

As the story unfolds, Steve Miller’s reputation for solving difficult cases and capturing extremely illusive adversaries aides him as he becomes involved with a powerful clandestine organization that is devoted to keeping massive secrets —- even from Steve himself. Furthermore, after discovering that a close family member is gravely ill —- and that this secret organization is refusing to provide the only cure —- he feels forced to confront his present employers while also challenging his own convictions and beliefs about how society is supposed to work. To make matters worse, this fugitive neo-terrorist has started manufacturing and using some of these alien weapons in order to wage a personal war against all his enemies — both real and imaginary. Finally, due to unforeseen circumstances, Steve is forced to work with and depend on a woman who has both psychological and professional issues of her own.

I recommend this book to young adult and adult audiences where the readers enjoy technical thrillers that move very fast, while also keeping these readers on the edge of their seats until the end of the very last page.

William Lyons is an excellent writer who draws his readers into the story from the very first page and never let’s go.  Machines of the Gods is an exciting novel that is like a cross between Star Wars and Jurassic Park with a little bit of Shaft thrown in the mix. I highly recommend this book and can’t wait for the sequel.  I am presently reading some of his other books, which are all available on Amazon.


Roxanne Hayes