Little Bit of Faith: The Empty Tomb


The Christian faith is based upon Jesus’s death and resurrection. If Jesus had not died on the old rugged Cross for our sins and then rose again, our faith would be empty. We would have a faith that has no power.  Fortunately for us, the rock was rolled away and by the time Mary Magdalene went to the tomb, it was empty. “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance,” (John 20:1).  Hallelujah!

In the book of John, it says that “they still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead,” (John 20: 9). You see, Jesus had to rise from His tomb in order to fulfill scripture and to bring power to our Faith. If He had not risen, our faith, our belief, and our hope would all be in vain and we would not have a savior. Jesus would’ve been just another religious fanatic.

But we know, the He Lives! This is what our celebration of Easter is all about. It’s not about the Easter Bunny, nor Jelly Beans, nor Easter Eggs, but it’s about the precious resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.  Because He lives, we are able to our faith and hope in Him. We can trust and believe in His word because His word is true.

This Easter, take time to remember the real meaning of the Blessed Season. Take time to pray and be thankful for His death and resurrection. Keep Him forever close in your heart, in your soul, and in your thoughts. I know I will. Amen? Amen. Happy Easter!