I Corinthians Study I Corinthians 8:1-13 Christian Liberty with Reference to Eating Meat

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

Paul having dealt with the subject of Marriage in Chapter 7, is now dealing with the subject of Christian Liberty with reference to eating meat.  The subject of Christian Liberty will be discussed from Chapter 8 through Chapter 11:1. The very main issue addressed in this chapter centers around: “Should a Christian eat meat that had been offered to idols?”  This question was very essential to many Corinthians, for many of them came out of idolatry!  This issue was a real problem to the Corinthians and Paul will address this issue!

From verses 1-3, the grand Apostle will answer the pervading issue by stating a basic principle: “love is superior to knowledge.”  Knowledge inflates us but genuine love helps us in relations with others.  In essence, true knowledge will lead to God, and love for the Lord should lead to love for others (I John 4:20-21).  Paul is saying simply in verses 4-7, that idols are nothing.  The instructed Christian is informed that there is one God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ.  However, there are Christians who for conscience sake will not eat meat offered to idols; and there are Christians who are not offended by meat offered to idols.

Paul went on to state that meat will not commend a believer to God, but we should not exercise our liberty to cause a stumbling block to Christians who are weak (vv. 8-10).  In exercising our Christian liberty, we must be cautious about affecting the weak conscience of our brethren (vv. 11-12).  Paul concludes Chapter 8 by stating that we must consider always the effect of our conduct among the weak brother for verse 13 says: “Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.”

May God Bless!