I Corinthians Study I Corinthians 5:1-13 An Upsetting Occurrence in the Corinthian Church

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

A church that was highly gifted is now beset with an awful scandal.  This scandal involved fornication in the church, and such fornication that was not even mentioned among the Gentiles.  The incident had reference to a gross situation of a man who was involved with his father’s wife, his very stepmother!  As evil as this situation was, the Corinthian church was guilty of compromising with this grievous sin (v. 2).  This sin was very flagrant, and the church needed to address it!  Again, flagrant sin in the life of the church must be addressed.

Our Lord has given us a prescription to handle such an issue in Matthew 18:15-17.  This sordid incident was no gossip or hear say; it was a gross sin that the church was aware of, and the Corinthian church was guilty of compromising with this evil!  This glaring sin was incest and the church knew about it!  The horrible sin of incest was not even practiced among Gentiles, and this sin was a flagrant disregard for God’s law.  This sin must be dealt with spiritually by the church.

In verses 3-5, although Paul was not with the church body, Paul instructs the Corinthian church in how to deal with this problem of sin among them.  Paul instructs the church to come together, and address this issue, and if this brother refuses to forsake his sin, then they are to deliver him over to Satan.  After such severe discipline, it will bring the brother to God, if he is a true believer, or it may reveal that he was not a believer at all!

As gross as this incident was among them, the Corinthian church was boasting, and Paul uttered: “Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?” (v. 6).  Leaven in the bible is symbolical of evil.  Paul says that leaven (evil) must be dealt with because of its contagious influence (v. 7).  A little leaven in the body of Christ can be a dangerous influence if it is not dealt with!  A little leaven will affect the body of believers; thus, the leaven must be purged out!  In the Old Testament, after the Feast of Passover, there was the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  Paul states that Christ is our Passover, for He sacrificed His life for us!

From verses 8-11, Paul calls the Corinthian church to a lifestyle of purity.  Corinth was a city given over to immorality and Paul exhorts the believers to live out the truth of God’s word.  The church of God today must have the spiritual fortitude to live morally in a corrupt society!  We must live sincere and pure lives in a decadent world.

Finally, in verses 12-13, Paul pointed out that the church was to address the evil within; and not the people on the outside.  Eventually, the church did address this evil sin from within, and the immoral man did repent (II Corinthians 2:4-8).  Paul was deeply concerned about the spiritual welfare of the church and so should we!

May God Bless!