“How to Study the Bible” (Part 2)

Mr. Gene W. Turner
Mr. Gene W. Turner

The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to the end of knowing God and doing His will .The Apostle Paul said, “ Study  to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth’ (2 Tim. 2:15). God has given us the Bible in order that we might know Him and that we might do His will here on earth.

Devotional Bible study is the most important kind of Bible study. Devotional Bible study means reading and studying the word of God in order that we may hear God’s voice and that we may know how to do His will and to live a better Christian life.

Let me make some very important, practical suggestions to each reader of this article as to how each of you should start your Bible study. First of all you should begin your Bible study with prayer. Some very good scripture one should read on this is (Psalms 119:18; John 16:13-15). Take brief notes on what you read. Always keep a small note book on you personally even in church on Sunday. Read slowly through one chapter,  or maybe 2 or 3chapters. After reading, ask yourself what do this passage mean. Then read it. It is very helpful to find out the real meaning of a chapter or passage, then ask yourself what is the main subject of this passage? What does this passage teach me about the Lord Jesus Christ? Does this passage portray any sin for me to confess and forsake? Is there any promise for me to claim? Is there any instructions for me to follow? All of these questions may, or may not be answered in every passage.

It would be well with you if you would keep a spiritual diary. Write down daily what God says to you through the Bible. Write down the sins that you confess, or the commands you should obey.

Try your very best to memorize passages of the word of God. Write verses on cards with the reference on one side and the verse on the other side. Carry these cards with you and review them while you are waiting for a train, standing in a lunch line, etc.

One of the best ways to extend your memory is to spend a few minutes every night before going to sleep, in order that your subconscious mind may help you fix these passages of God’s word in your mind while you’re asleep )Ps. 119:11)

To meditate means “to reflect, to ponder, to consider, to dwell in thought. Through meditation the word of God will become meaningful and real to you, and the Holy Spirit will use this time to apply the word of God to your own life and its problems.

The Bible has been given to us that we may live a holy life, well pleasing to God. God says be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only (James 1:22) After prayer, first read the Bible passage slowly and silently; then read it again aloud. Do not try to adopt all of these methods and suggestions which appeal to you. The more you read and study the word of God, the more you will want to do it.

Let us not forget to read our Bibles. May God bless you REAL GOOD and may He ever keep you in His loving car.