How to prevent Type 2 diabetes

Plus size woman running in Central Park, New York during a beautiful day.

Diabetes is a health problem that can happen to people of all ages. More than 11 percent of Americans have diabetes. In Texas alone, more than 3 million people have diabetes and 7 million have pre-diabetes.

Someone in your family may even have diabetes. But just because some of your family members have diabetes does not mean that you will get it as well. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented and the tips below will help you along the way.

  1. Get screened. Take a self-diagnostic test to find out what your risk is for having diabetes. It’s the first step to taking charge of your health. You can take a quick online risk test by going to
  2. Get moving. Moving your body is every important when trying to stay healthy and prevent diabetes. You don’t have to run a marathon to get the benefits of exercise. You can go for a walk, do yoga, lift weights or ride your bike. To stay healthy, plan on doing 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. For some great ideas on how to get more exercise into your day, check out
  3. Eat healthier. Take small steps to eating healthier every day by making some easy changes. Instead of candy or cookies, have some fruit for dessert. At lunch and dinner, add vegetables to your plate. Instead of fried food, try a healthier version that is baked or steamed. For delicious and healthy recipes you can make at home, go to
  4. Quit smoking. Smoking can make you more likely to get diabetes. If you need help quitting, Parkland has a smoking cessation program that will show you the steps you need to take to quit smoking. For more information, go to
  5. Limit alcohol. Alcohol can cause your blood sugar to go up and down so drink in moderation.
  6. Get a checkup. Going to see your doctor regularly is very important for your health. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, your doctor can check how you are doing and give you advice on how to stay healthy.

You are in charge of your health. There are steps you can take to prevent Type 2 diabetes but it’s up to you to get the right information and make a plan on how to stay healthy. For more tips on how to stop Type 2 diabetes in its tracks, go to