Her Excellency

After the interview with Her Excellency
Kaley Omalley, CBS and Ester Davs, ION & BPEN

During Megafest, 2017, Dallas was graced with kings, queens, ambassadors, distinguished clergy and foreign diplomats; lots of high class, lonely class, middle, modest and homelessness.    It was a dynamic spiritual awakening for all the world to see and Dallas rolled out the bejeweled ‘red carpet’.

Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of the Republic of Liberia, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and first elected female Head of State in Africa was also in Dallas.  And the pride and adoration of such a giant walking among us was overwhelming.

Her Excellency President Johnson Sirleaf is the world’s first elected black female president and Africa’s first elected female head of state.  On my list of photojournalists is a young energetic intern who is from Liberia.  Upon mentioning Her Excellency, he was engulfed in smiles from cheek-to-cheek and called her

“The Iron Lady” affectionately.  President Johnson Sirleaf has many accomplishments from receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 for her nonviolent struggle, for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peacebuilding work, to her Liberian Presidency in 2006.  What a journey!

President Johnson Sirleaf was born in Liberia in 1938 and attended the prestigious Harvard University in the United States.  Returning to her native country, a military coup sent her into exile in the 1980’s. Her outspoken position against the military regime issued her a prison sentence of ten (10) years.  After serving part of her sentence, she returned to the United States living in Washington D. C., but returned to Liberia in 1997 for the third time.  Gathering all her fortitude, determination and energy for such a changing time as this time, she ran for President for the first time and lost.  In 2005 she ran for the Liberian Presidency once more promising economic development and an end to civil war and corruption.  In 2006, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was inaugurated as the people’s president.  Her Excellency has indeed lived up to the expectations and promises made during her tenure.  She now stands beautifully as a bright beacon for not only women, but for all mankind.

Thank you, your Excellency.


Ester Davis is a celebrated writer,
television producer and show host.
She can be reached at Facebook.com/
Ester.davis.39.  Website Esterday.com
is still under construction.