From the Desk of a Laymen: “HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE”

Mr. Gene W. Turner
Mr. Gene W. Turner

This article will be displaying a series of articles over a period of several weeks. These writings will be presented in this paper in order to help someone enjoy and understand how to really read the Holy bible with an understanding.

The first thing we must understand is the fact that the Bible is the greatest book written. In this book, God Himself speaks to mankind. The Bible is a book of divine instructions. The Bible offers comfort in times of sorrow, guidance in perplexity, and gives advice for our problems, rebuke for our sins, and daily inspiration for our everyday need.

The Bible is not simply just one book. The Bible is an entire library of books covering the whole range of literature.  The Bible includes history, poetry, drama, prophecy, biography, thoughts, philosophy, science, and inspirational reading.  Another thing many of us do not understand is the fact that the Bible has been translated into more than 1,200 languages, and every year more copies of the Bible are sold than any other single book. The Bible is so constructed that it truly answers the greatest questions that all men of all ages have asked down through the ages.

Men have always asked questions in their minds: Where have I come from? Where am I going? Why am I here? How can I know the truth?

The Bible reveals the truth about God, and the Bible also reveals the truth about the origin of man. The Bible points to the only way to salvation and eternal life, and explains the age-old problem of sin and suffering.

The greatest theme of the Bible is: THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, because it explains His work of redemption for mankind. Jesus Christ the son of God is promised, prophesied, and pictured in the types and symbols of the Old Testament.  The Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in the Gospels; and the full meanings of His life, His death, and His resurrection are explained in the Epistles. His glorious coming again to earth in the future is unmistakably foretold in the book of Revelation. The real and magnificent purpose of the written word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. When we study the Bible there are certain things the Bible will do for us as Dr. Wilburn Smith explains there are seven (7) great things it will do.

  1. The Bible discovers sin and convicts us
  2. The Bible helps cleanse us form the pollution of sin
  3. The Bible imports strength
  4. The Bible instructs us in what we are to do.
  5. The Bible provides us with a sword for victory over sin.
  6. The Bible makes our lives fruitful.
  7. The Bible gives us power to pray.

You do not need a whole library of books to study the Bible. The Bible is its own best commentator and interpreter, because of the Holy Spirits indwelling within each Christian. With all of the instructive helps that you have in the Bible, you have a whole lifetime of Bible study.

Let us not forget to read our Bibles daily. May God bless you REAL GOOD and may He ever keep you in His loving care.