“From the desk of a Layman” Creation Genesis 1:24-2:7 (Part 11)


MR GENE TURNERIn our last article we went as far as the sixth day of creation. When you consider the sixth day you must consider the fact that the sixth day distinctively comes in two parts.

One part talks about animal life on earth (Gen. 1:24-25). When you read these verses you will see that God created all animal life after its kind, but in the next half of the sixth day. God said, speaking to the other personalities of Himself, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, saying let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Now, this simply means that God created mankind in both the image and likeness of Himself.

An image is a representation, or replica of one person or thing by another. An image may be similar but not necessarily identical to its original. The term likeness is used as a gauge of comparison, or analogy. When man fell, he retained an impaired image of God. Read (Gen.9:16) Regaining a likeness of God is one of the accomplishments of salvation.

Our spiritual likeness is restored in justification. Our character likeness is being continuously developed in the process of sanctification. We will be like Christ Physically when we are glorified. Gods Purpose in our lives today is to conform us to the image of Christ, Read (Romans 8:29) – (Gen. 1:26-27) (Heb. 4:12)

There are many people who constantly read God’s word and still get creation and formation mixed up. These words are not the same, and do not mean the same thing.

Creation means what God created within His mind, and at some point in time He formed what He created in His mind. A good example is in the book of (Jeremiah 1:4-5) and (Genesis 1:27-28). All this was in creation. Now, in (Genesis 2:7) God formed man only, even though He created both of them at the same time, but He formed them at a different time. Now, here is what’s so amazing, He not only created them in His mind, but He also commanded them as to what they were supposed to do after they were forms. That can be seen in a young child. He or she knows right from wrong when they get here. A one year old baby when alone in the family room will pull things off the coffee table, but when you as Mom and Dad walk in, that baby will drop his or her hands as if nothing is wrong. That’s because they were programed at creation.

If you will notice God programs man in (Genesis 1:26) but, He does not form man until (Genesis 2:7) after man was formed he already knew right from wrong, and being obedient, and disobedient. That’s why Adam hid himself from God in the Garden, all Black people need to know exactly where the Garden of Eden is really located. Look at the next article concerning this!