From the Desk of a Layman CREATION Genesis


Genesis is the book of beginnings. It records the beginning of time, life, sin, salvation, human race, and the Nation of Hebrew.

The Genesis account is responsible for our knowledge of knowing about four major events which took place during this particular time.

  1. The creation
  2. The fall of man
  3. The flood
  4. The dispersion of nations

Genesis also gives the history of four great patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. It is without any doubt that Moses is the author of Genesis.

Moses life extended 120 years (Deut. 34:7). The first 40 years (1525-1485 BC) he spent as Pharaoh’s son, learning the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22). Moses spent the next 40 years (1485-1445 BC) in the desert of Median as a Shepherd (Exodus 2:15; Acts 7:30). The final 40 years (1445-1405 BC) he was wandering in Sinai wilderness with the children of Israel (Deut. 8:2)

Genesis is the foundation book to the entire Bible. Genesis includes the doctrines of God, creation, man, sin, and salvation. Genesis covers more time than any other book in the Bible.

Genesis opens with the words: “In the beginning God created” (Gen. 1;1), and it ends with a coffin in Egypt (Gen. 50:26). Genesis covers the whole plight of man. Who was created and formed in God’s image to live forever, but because of sin in man became destined for the grave.

In the beginning (Heb. Bereshit) God created the heaven and earth. Moses did what all Hebrew writers do, and that is, he tells what God did, and then describes how God did it.

The verb created is used exclusively with God as its subject. Created (Bara) refers to the instantaneous and miraculous act of God by which He brought the universe into existence. The way God brought the universe into existence refutes atheism, pantheism, polytheism, and evolution.

In the second verse is where some readers get confused concerning this verse. Without form and VOID. Some say the word VOID here means that God created the universe perfect, but Satan came along and destroyed it. Therefore it was voided out, and God had to make the universe over again. This is not true, because of the Hebrew word  Tohu Wabohu which means unformed and unfilled, or empty, and without life. Unformed and did not have any life present. God made Satan, how could someone believe that God would let any creature destroy anything that He created and made. There was not any chaotic condition as a result of judgement that caused a GAP_THEORY over hundreds, thousands. or millions of years between verse one and verse two. (Heb. “YOM’) 12 hour day light. A solar day is 24 hours. 12 hours of daylight, and 12 hours of night equals a 24hour day, not a million years, etc.