“FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS” – Esther 4:14


“From the Desk of a Laymen”

Gene W. Turner


Esther 4:14

Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for “Such a time as this”. This is what Mordecai told his uncle’s daughter, Esther, whom he raised in his own household after his uncle died and left Esther.

Esther became a Queen in a Gentile country, because she became the wife of a Gentile King in a Persian land. By her being a Jewish person, she was able to save an entire nation of people, the Jews, because God molded, and shaped her from her mother’s womb for such a time as this, to save a nation which the Gentiles wanted to exterminate completely.

President Barack Obama was also molded, and shaped by God from his mother’s womb, for such a time as this. Take a look at this situation. There have been forty three presidents with the potentials of serving for a period of three hundred and forty four (344) years, and all of these forty three presidents have been white. Now, comes along a “Black” man after a potential three hundred and forty four years (344) and become the forty fourth president of the United States of America.

Can we not see that a greater power than we can understand has the power to push aside over 400 years of “slavery”, 150 years of Jim Crow, and 75 years of “segregation”, and install a “Black man” as the president of the most powerful country in the world. The best thing that we can come up with is “for such a time as this”.

The greatest deeds of President Obama will be done this year, which is his last year in office. Which will be remembered to the end of the ages. God is going to allow many things to come along, and come up in America that most will think President Obama cannot handle, or accomplish at any cost. This is where God will change the tide in President Obama’s favor. Things that will seem impossible for him to accomplish, or execute for success of this country will let many of us know, and understand that God put President Obama here “for such a time as this”.

There have been many conversations going on about whether President Obama will be able to nominate a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia. Many of President Obama’s haters are willing to stake their lives on the fact that he will not, and cannot replace Justice Scalia before the election of the next presidential election.

This will be a time that God will show the entire world that He is still in charge of this world. The President Obama haters will see living proof that God Himself molded, and shaped President Obama all the way from his mother’s womb “FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS”. This is just one of the things he will accomplish this year, there will be many more that will seem impossible, but God has the last say concerning His Choice.


May God Bless the readers of the Post Tribune Newspaper REAL GOOD AND MAY He ever keep you in His loving care