For Such a Time as This Esther 4:14


Even though the name of God is nowhere mentioned in the book of Esther, but His sovereignty and providence are evident throughout the book of Esther, all this comes back to us centuries later, in the 20th century with the presence of President Barrak Obama.

When you read the book of Esther you will find the same situation going on right now here in America in 2015. The only thing different is the fact, President Obama is a man and is the President, and Esther was a woman and she was the Queen of Persia, because she married the King. She was of the Jewish people, and President Obama is of the Black people.

Most of the Persian people hated Esther because she was a Jew, and many of the people in America, like the tea party, and others hate President Obama, just because he is Black, but God is in charge of this world not the Republicans.

By the Republicans being in charge of the House of Representatives, and the Senate they think they will be able to do whatever they want to do, but that’s not so. What many people do not understand is the fact that God has a permissive will, which means that God allows certain things to happen to do certain things down the line which we can not see or understand.

What many people, do not understand is the fact that the Republicans being in control of both houses is the best thing that  has happened to President Obama since he has been in office. You see, God is the only one who is able to touch hearts and minds, because He made all living. He is able to change minds to vote one way or the other. He allowed the Republicans to get in office to let them know that He is still in charge of the world and not them.

Look at what Mordecai says to Esther in the fourth Chapter and fourteenth verse. “WHO KNOWETH WHETHER THOU ART COME TO THE KINGDOM FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.”

President Obama came to the Presidency as the 44th President which means that the Presidency in this country has been controlled by a certain ethnic group all these years. Now, they think it is only made for them to be the top leader in this country, but God is showing them that He and He alone is in charge of this world.

I have told many people that the Republicans will soon understand when God put anyone in a certain position, there is nothing anyone, or any body of people can do about it. I know there has never been a Black President before, and that is what makes many people resentful of having a Black President, but no one can move what God has put in place. What many people do not know is, President Obama has a  degree in Constitutional Law, and he finished number one (1) in his class. Look how cool he is about anything. People who know what they are doing do not have to worry about anything. Go on Mr. President Barrack Obama and do what God put you there to do. Do what Mordecai said do, stay on, because God put you where you are today FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.

Let us not forget to read our Bibles. May God Bless you REAL GOOD and may He ever keep you in His loving care.