For Love or Money

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

What is retirement?  And what do you really do in retirement?  Then, why are so many members of the retirement community going back to work or not leaving the workforce?   Is it for love or money?

The hottest demographic in the labor market  is men and women, past the traditional retiremental age,  are returning to work.  And no, you are mostly wrong, it is not exclusively for the money.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this is the fastest growing segment of the workforce.  This is a very interesting statistic for our nation.  It means that the mature age (between 50 and 85) is not all in poor health, brain dead, home complaining.  It means that age is only a number and the benefits grow enormously after the children leave home.

The most important “love” after so called retirement used to be the art of freedom.  In today’s society, the most important “love” is the art of connection and inclusion.  And that is exciting and necessary.   Anybody living in these Americas, can not afford the luxury or leisure  of being left behind.  I love information, being involved and busy,  but with this “powerful paradigm  shift”  afoot, I still feel left behind.  Catch up is a monster!!!  So, I  decided to conduct a short survey of my retired friends from the Eastman Kodak Company.  Most of them I see anyway at the “25 Year Retirement Club” Christmas luncheon.  My neighbors are still vibrant and my new friends are as busy as I am.

But, I was mostly interested in those mature Americans that felt a sense of being left behind, not up-to-date on today’s technology.  The funniest comment of the survey was “I am afraid to be left alone with my new phone.  It has too many sounds going off”, or even more hilarious was “my new washing machine sings to be when it finishes cycling”.  Most profound was “people just like to complain about working and needing the money, when they really enjoy having something to do”.

What do you think?  Is it love, work or money?  I think the money is convenience,  the work is appreciated, the love necessary.

Many thanks to Celestial Haven for inviting me as your Women Day Speaker.

Congratulations!!! To Pastor James Foster, Jr., for 51 years in the ministry.

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Hembry (Dr. Hembry’s wife) on her 100th Birthday.