Don’t Let Your Thanksgiving Go Up in Flames


Kitchen-Fire-SafetyRainbow International® offers advice on preventing cooking fires

Cooking brings family and friends together during the holidays. But did you know that cooking is the number one cause of home fires and home injuries? The National Fire Protection Agency says Thanksgiving Day is the peak day for home cooking fires with nearly double the number of fires reported.

To help prevent a cooking fire this holiday, consider these common fire safety tips:

  • Keep an eye on what you are cooking. Avoid distractions such as TV and cell phones.
  • Avoid letting kids near the stove or oven when you are cooking.
  • Set things that can catch on fire, such as potholders, oven mitts, hand towels and other flammable items, a safe distance from the cooking area.
  • Keep the cooking surfaces clean. Grease buildup can trigger fires.
  • Never wear loose or dangling sleeved clothes when cooking.
  • Always use a timer when cooking food so you will have a reminder to check it.
  • If you use a turkey fryer, keep it outdoors in an open area away from all structures that could catch on fire. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test your smoke detectors once a month to see if they’re working. Never remove the batteries.
  • Have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen area. Be sure everyone in the household knows how to use it.
  • Check to make sure all stoves, ovens, and appliances are turned off at bedtime.

In the unfortunate event you face a fire catastrophe, call in the experts, like Rainbow International®, to begin fire damage restoration as soon as authorities say the property is safe to enter. Keep Rainbow International’s number – 855-774-6815 – with your other emergency contacts, and call in the professionals to start restoring your home after a fire.