Deep in the Mountain

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

by Dr. J. Ester Davis

The world held on to hope as the remarkable rescue at the Tham Luang Cave, in Thailand unfolded. The lead story on the planet this week was the successful rescue of twelve soccer players on the other side of the oceans.  We would not spell the names of these children, pronounce the mountain they were trapped in or understand the language without transcription. Somehow that all did not matter.  The world followed every minute detail, held their breath at every treacherous word, watched history and “world peace” unfold without script, teleprompters, lobbyist, politicians or immigration order of confusion.

There were over 1,000 people involved in the rescue at today’s count. (Tuesday, July 10, 2018). The countries strapping on their boots of expertise were the United States, China, Myanimar, Laos, Australia, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Israel,  engineers from SpaceX and an invitation from FIFA.  You have to ask yourself who needs a United Nations?  What did the world wide elected officials learn?

The invitation from FIFA was awe inspiring to the waiting congregation.  It eased the deep anxiety and the thought of children navigating through a three(3)mile maze of chocolate muddy water. This invitation was “hands-across-the –globe” without gloves.   It genuinely united all for one cause.  The invitation instilled hope, faithful vision, encouragement for the 94 divers.  The day-to-day fight and the calm professional manner of the duty leaders eradicated the fear in everyone’s heart and quieten world tension to an almost restful night’s sleep.  People actually set their clock to the time zone of the divers.  Prayer groups kneeled when they picked up their oxygen tanks.

My final thought is of the “practice drills” etched in the minds of the divers.  The other “practice drill” is taking place now.  That of “practicing” hugs from parents and loved ones when it comes my turn.