
DCCCD - Get Covered(Dallas) – Everyone gets sick. Everyone needs insurance.  It’s that simple.  But many Americans don’t have the health insurance they need, and time is running out for them to sign up (Jan. 31) under the Affordable Care Act – including college students. Approximately 39 percent, or more than 2.5 million Texans between the ages of 18 and 34, do not have health insurance, and they are more likely to delay medical treatment or struggle with medical bills.

The Dallas County Community College District, in partnership with the Dallas County Judge’s Office, the City of Dallas and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Department (Region 6), reminded college students to sign up and sign on for better, more affordable health care today during a special program at El Centro College.  Dr. Joe May, DCCCD’s chancellor, told allied health students and members of the Student Government Association from El Centro College that National Youth Enrollment Day “is the perfect time for El Centro College students to show others how to enroll.”

May was joined by Marjorie McColl Petty, director of Region 6 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Monica Alonzo; and Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins. They all encouraged college students to get the health insurance they need by signing up before the Jan. 31 deadline.

The rally and day’s activities at El Centro were offered in collaboration with HHS and the Young Invincibles, a college advocacy group whose members are assisting with this project.

Alonzo reminded students that, although they are young, they need to get health insurance – warning them that an accident and its results can create a disaster in their lives.  Jenkins reminded students that the cost of health insurance under ACA is just as affordable as gasoline for their cars and the cell phones they use constantly.

Students at each of DCCCD’s colleges had a chance this week to sign up on their campuses before the end-of-the-month deadline. The effort kicked off at El Centro today, and enrollment opportunities also were held Thursday across DCCCD at Richland, Mountain View, Eastfield, Brookhaven and Cedar Valley colleges.  North Lake enrolled students on Wednesday.

Trained assisters walked interested students through the process (and the Healthcare.gov website), answered questions and made sure that participants finished the process to obtain health insurance under the Affordable Care Act that day.

For more information, contact Ann Hatch in the DCCCD office of public and government affairs at ahatch@dcccd.edu, 214-378-1819 or 940-595-5552.