Davis Apparel Shop Celebrated its Legacy In Grand Style

Ester Davis at Podium with The Ocassion of this meaningful affair
Ester Davis at Podium with The Ocassion of this meaningful affair

My Day: Finishing the Voyage
By Dr. J. Ester Davis
On April 20, 2015, Davis Apparel Shop celebrated in grand style the legacy of Davis Apparel Shop.
The shop opened its doors in 1965 and remained for the most part in Southern Dallas. The regal occasion was well attended by old friends, customers of the shop, DART employees, uniform vendors, family and a large delegation of DISD’s finest and well-educated ROTC Cadets from more than twenty(20)high schools. These young cadets represented the profound emphasis the founders placed on education. General Leon Johnson, Event Chair, spoke highly of how these young minds of the 21st century are being prepared to lead. Our most promising leaders.

Masterfully, Cheryl Smith and Willis Johnson served as Mistress and Master of Ceremony, with the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce former and current leaders in attendance. Richmond Punch, Violinist, who recently performed at the AT&T Stadium, provided a wide array of music from Bach to Brown to famous favorites. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Honorary Chair, bought special and personal remarks.

The very Rev. Samuel Washington, Sr., of Roberts Ready to Wear, opened the greetings lineup with his fifty-five(55)years in business and ended it with a post poignant story about “portions”. When I later surveyed the cadets about what they remembered about the event, the answer was about the “portions”. Rev. Washington was followed by Charles O’Neal, formerly with the local chamber now with the U.S. African American Chamber of Commerce.

Congresswoman with Colonel Davis and 16 DISD High School ROTC Cadets
Congresswoman with Colonel Davis and 16 DISD High School ROTC Cadets

Davis Apparel Shop opened up a wide world of fashions for young models. I was one of those models who were hired on the “runways” of America. Connie Davis never stopped elevating and educating especially South Dallas youth. Davis Apparel Shop self elevated from retail fashions to a multi million dollar leader in uniform distribution worldwide.

The 2nd generation of Davis entrepreneurs are now on deck with new contacts and contracts. Finishing the voyage, now in training is a member of the 3rd generation Terrance Handy, finishing the voyage.

Ester Davis can be reached at Esterday.com or 214.376.9000