Dallas Public Library Locations Opening May 4

Services limited to grab-and-go checkouts, browsing, computer use
DALLAS – Beginning Tuesday, May 4, Dallas Public Library is resuming in-person service at 27 branch locations and the Central Library. Customers will once again be able to browse the library’s collection, check out books, and pick up their holds inside the library.
Building capacity is limited to 25 at branches and 155 at the Central Library. Public computer access is available for one 90-minute session per day per user and can be reserved up to 24 hours in advance. Researchers may use the Dallas History and Archives and Genealogy collections by appointment, as well as the Creative Spaces at the Central Library. Seating is unavailable at the branch libraries, but the Central floors will have limited seating to allow for charging and using personal devices.
“We’ve made every effort to keep library users and library staff as safe as possible with our reopening,” Director of Libraries Jo Giudice said. “I know Dallasites have been anxious to come back to the library, and we’re excited to have them back – even if it is somewhat limited.”
Masks worn over the nose and mouth will be required for all customers age 2 and older, and 6-feet of social distancing will be encouraged.
Staff will be available for limited assistance, but self-checkout is encouraged. Reference service is still limited to online chat and phone, although staff will be able to help with quick answers and book requests.
Library To Go curbside service is still available by appointment.
What Remains Unavailable
Some services remain unavailable for the time being in order to protect the health and wellbeing of staff and customers. These include:
- In-person programs and events – all programs will be virtual throughout the summer.
- Public meeting rooms at all locations
- Study rooms at all locations
- Chairs have been removed to reduce lingering.
- Toys, games, and other interactive items
- The Renner Frankford Branch remains closed for repairs damages due to the winter storm.
- Bookmarks at NorthPark Center continue Library To Go service only.
The Library Needs Your Help to Stay Safe
Because the danger of COVID-19 has not passed, visitors are asked to respect and observe the following safety protocols during their visit.
- If you’ve been feeling ill, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please refrain from visiting Dallas Public Library.
- Masks must be worn at all times for any visitors ages 2 and older. All library staff is required to wear masks, as well.
- Sanitize your hands when you enter the library building.
- Maintain at least six feet of distance between yourself and other visitors and staff.
- If you are using public computers, please wipe down your station before and after your session. Library staff is providing disinfectant wipes for all computer users.
- Once your business is concluded, please do not linger. Dallas Public Library is limiting the number of people in library buildings at one time and wants to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy their visit.
DPL will continue to publish updates about services as they become available. Please check the website for the latest information.
About DPL: Dallas Public Library operates 29 branch locations and the Central Library. A library card is free for any Dallas resident. For information on the many free programs and services available at Dallas Public Library, visit www.dallaslibrary.org.