Dallas 2024 Bond Propositions Approved by Voters


All ten of the propositions making up the City of Dallas’ proposed $1.25 billion bond were approved by voters in the May 4, 2024 election. The election results will be certified by the City Council at their May 15, 2024 meeting.

The approved propositions include Proposition A, which provides $521,200,000 for streets and transportation; Proposition B which provides $345,270,000 for parks and recreational facilities; Proposition C, which provides $52,100,000 for flood control and storm drainage; Proposition D, which provides $43,530,000 for libraries; Proposition E, which provides $75,200,000 for cultural and performing arts facilities; Proposition F, which provides $90 million for public safety facilities such as police substations and fire stations; Proposition G, which provides $72,300,000 for economic development in the city; Proposition H, which provides $26,400,000  for affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization initiatives; Proposition I, which provides $19 million for permanent, supportive, and short-term housing for unsheltered individuals; and Proposition J, which provides $5 million to be used to strengthen the city’s  information technology infrastructure.

Dallas Mayor Eric L. Johnson stated, “The people of Dallas have spoken, and they have said yes to investing into what I call the three Ps: public safety, parks, and filling potholes. Investing in Dallas’ public services and infrastructure means investing in the lives of our residents who use our streets, parks, and other services every day. These investments are critical for Dallas to continue its positive momentum as a world-class city and a premier destination for families, businesses, and visitors.”

Dallas Interim City Manager Kim Bizor Tolbert added, “Passage of this bond ensures our City has the resources to maintain and enhance the services and infrastructure that our residents, businesses and visitors rely on. With ongoing input from our residents and business stakeholders, our investment decisions will reflect our City’s most urgent needs and highest priorities”.

Passage of these propositions does not guarantee that the City of Dallas will complete a specific project. The City Council may add or delete specific projects, modify project scope, add new projects, or adjust the amount of funds amounts dedicated to specific projects within the same proposition.

The City plans to issue bonds from the 2024 Bond Program in Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Project construction is planned to start within months of the first issuance of general obligation bonds; however, initiation and continuation of projects may be prioritized according to urgency of need and available resources, and some projects may not begin for a number of years.

For more information, contact the Office of Bond and Construction Management at BondOffice@dallas.gov.