Community leaders lend support, condolences in shooting aftermath


dr  freddy haynesDr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III, Senior Pastor of Friendship-West Baptist Church:
It is a profound tragedy that peaceful protest of the unjust killings of two black men by police was shattered by the tragic and senseless murder of five law enforcement officers by a sniper. I extend my deepest prayers and sympathies to the families of those public servants, and to the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Now is a time for the faith community to stand as a beacon of hope and light in the face of darkness and violence.

Although the deaths of Sterling and Castile serve as another disturbing reminder of a culture of escalation and racial prejudice in law enforcement, we must work together if we hope to ever emerge as one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


State Representative Helen Giddings:
Today we mourn the loss of our fallen police officers and pray for their families. We pray for the recovery of the wounded- both police and civilian. And we pray for an end to the violence and bloodshed that came to our city yesterday evening.

We have experienced inconceivable pain over the past week. We must all come together to heal our nation’s wounds rather than incite more pain. We must treat each other with dignity and kindness- not hate and distrust. ”

I challenge each of us to honor these officers’ memories by making a personal commitment to a world of respect and tolerance- not violence and hatred. Let us listen to each other, love each other, and help each other. Our community lies broken and hurt. We must all lend our hands and our hearts to the required cause of rebuilding.


President Barack Obama:
There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement, and today is a wrenching reminder of the sacrifices they make for us.  We also know when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately, it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic.


Presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump:
We must restore law and order. We must restore the confidence of our people to be safe and secure in their homes and on the street.

The senseless, tragic deaths of two motorists in Louisiana and Minnesota reminds us how much more needs to be done.

This morning I offer my thoughts and prayers for all of the victims’ families, and we pray for our brave police officers and first responders who risk their lives to protect us every single day.

Our nation has become too divided. Too many Americans feel like they’ve lost hope. Crime is harming too many citizens. Racial tensions have gotten worse, not better. This isn’t the American Dream we all want for our children.


Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee Hilary Clinton:
This is the kind of call to action, and as president, I would implement the very comprehensive set of proposals that I’ve been making for more than a year. We must do more to have national guidelines about the use of force by police, especially deadly force. Look at what happened in Dallas. Those police officers were protecting a peaceful protest … that is a hallmark of America. And when the shooting started and everyone else was fleeing, the police were moving toward danger.


U.S. Senator John Cornyn:
My condolences are with the families of the officers who lost their lives in last night’s horrific attack, and my thoughts continue to be with the injured and those in the Dallas area affected by this unspeakable tragedy. Our law enforcement officers put themselves in harm’s way every day, and to target those who serve and protect our community in such a senseless and vicious way is shocking and reprehensible.


Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson:

Helen Giddings
Helen Giddings

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Dallas law enforcement community for their brave and swift response to this horrific shooting.  I am deeply saddened to hear that five officers have lost their lives during this shooting.  I have been in direct contact and briefed with Deputy Police Chief Jon Lawton and the rapid response team and I have offered my office’s full support. This is still an active crime scene and as this situation continues to unfold I urge that everyone stay safe and stay inside.


U.S. Senator Ted Cruz:
The men and women of the Dallas Police Department and the officers of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) selflessly run into harm’s way to protect the lives of others. Tonight, we mourn the loss of four of their brothers. Our thoughts and prayers go out to these officers and their families, and to those who have been injured. My office is in close contact with the local authorities on the ground and we will be offering to provide whatever support we can to help in assisting the victims and bringing the perpetrators to justice. I encourage anyone with information about the suspects to contact the Dallas Police Department at (214) 671-3482.

My God protect our fallen heroes and bring peace upon the City of Dallas.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton:
My heart goes out to the victims’ families and their loved ones. I have directed my office to provide all necessary resources to support the efforts of law enforcement to investigate, prosecute and hold accountable those responsible for last night’s horrific attack. The loss of the five officers in Dallas in the line of duty is a somber reminder of the heroic sacrifices these brave men and women perform each day to keep us safe. Today, we must all come together to honor their selfless service and sacrifice.


American Civil Liberties Union of Texas:
Last night police officers in Dallas were gunned down while protecting community members exercising their right to protest peacefully. The protesters were publicly challenging the epidemic of Black men being killed by individuals wearing the same uniform as those safeguarding the peaceful protest. If the night had gone as the protesters and police planned, this would have been a demonstration of what makes our country great: a citizenry publicly proclaiming their objection to government wrongs, and public officials protecting the citizenry’s constitutional right to air their anger and disapproval. Tragically, this quintessential example of democracy was ripped apart, and the nation awoke today to learn of more shootings and more deaths.

We are reminded of the words of Dr. Martin Luther King: “Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all.” Over the past three days, the body count has risen to seven. Alton Sterling and Philando Castile—whose deaths people filled the streets of Dallas to protest—did nothing to warrant their deaths. The five Dallas police officers did nothing to warrant their deaths. Add to that the more than 50 officers killed in the line of duty and the 121 Black people killed by law enforcement earlier this year, and it’s clear that the violence is escalating. How much is enough?

We call on the mayors of Texas cities to meet this crisis head on: Bring together the heads of law enforcement agencies committed to protect and serve, the leaders of organizations who fight for equality and justice, and local activists who work daily to defend vulnerable communities across this state. The time is now for a deliberate and substantive dialogue aimed at building trust and solidarity among all Texans. We must work together to ensure the senseless violence the nation witnessed this week—and over the past year—is met with reason, honest reflection and action. We cannot wait a moment longer to start this journey.


Dallas County Community College District Chancellor Dr. Joe May:
Dr Joe MayOur hearts go out to the victims of this senseless tragedy, and our prayers are with them and their families.

El Centro College was born in the aftermath of another American tragedy, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Since its founding, it’s been defined not by whom we exclude, but by whom we include. El Centro will continue to be an institution that welcomes all in Dallas County.

I am very proud of our people for displaying the type of uncommon heroic behavior that really exemplifies El Centro, the Dallas County Community College District and the city of Dallas.