Black Enough


By Leon Simon

Being a child of the 40’s, and being what we call light skinned this is something I heard constantly. I think a lot of us used it for a crutch and I think a lot of us still do.

First off, Black is an attitude that has less to do with your skin color and more to d with your make up. Some of us with small minds and small dreams seem to think it’s our skin color.

In our race I’ve seen and heard black people root for and pull for darker skin kids against light skin as if one was white and the other Black.

The Seattle Sea hawks seemed as though they had the makings of a two or three Super Bowl team until they let that racist beast raise his head in their locker room. The Seahawks supposedly traded Percy Harvin to the New York Jets because Percy wanted to or thought God gave him the authority to say who was Black enough or not. He said that Quarterback Russell Wilson spent too much time off the team I don’t think they got him off quick enough.

First off, as I said Black is a state of mind or attitude, being Black what have you done to advance the betterment of your people? Does anyone remember Rosa Parks she wasn’t extremely dark. Donovan McNabb, had the same problem aside from dealing with our racist society he had to deal with some small minded brothers questioning his blackness. Do we not realize that we’re all considered Black regardless of something stupid as your shade, the people that raise these small minded topics someone please tell me what have they done for the advancement of or cause.

Muhammed Ali had those same problems until he beat up all the guys that had problems with his skin colored they forgot his fist, Joe Louis knocked out half the  state of Michigan before somebody realized it wasn’t his skin color it was his God given talent.

Percy Harvin and Marshawn Lynch can take most of the credit for taken down a beautiful franchise and someone please tell me what have they done for the betterment of our community.

On KKDA there never was a week when some brother or sister would come on and express the short coming of their mate, most of them had mothers and fathers of color yet they would say how sorry their mate was no other race do that or did that.

Now days we can talk around and disguise our self in Braids and Tattoo’s to make us look like what we think black should look like, but what have you done?

In the 60’s everybody old enough will lie and tell you they did whatever NOT!! Only about 10 or 15% of the people actually participated, the rest of them were scared. That’s the problem in Missouri right now I know who’s Black, they haven’t accomplished a thing.