Attending Summer Celebrations and Festivals Will Be Fun. Keep Out Bad Behavior. By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.


Our America is known for its celebrations. We honor men, women and events that have changed the course of history. We can all list some of our favorite holidays and traditions.

This is the time of year when we are out doing more activities with family and friends. School is out and we are planning vacations and family gatherings. We are having fun and don’t expect bad things to happen.

Recently, bad things have happened which have stopped or altered our plans. The question is why are these unfortunate events taking place?

There are a few reasons for this uptick in bad manners. First, our decision-making is questionable in my opinion. We believe something bad is going to happen, so we prepare ourselves. In other words, I will get you before you get me.

That results in having a short fuse ready to fight over the smallest of things. Most are inconsequential to our daily lives. Sadly, graduations and church-related activities have been the places where these tragedies have occurred.

Controlling our temper and frustration is problematic for some of us. Exhibiting patience and goodwill are lost attributes in our society today.

Sometimes, people go to events with the purpose of causing trouble and mayhem. Unfortunately, some are validated by their families in their wrongdoing.

Movies and video games have made violence popular especially among the younger generation. They play out in the streets what they see on their computer screens.

What they don’t show is that when you commit a crime, you must face the consequences for your bad behavior. Going to jail is not a part of their game playing but it is a possibility in real life.

What can be done to stop these poor and life-threatening decisions that are affecting our communities nation-wide. At the current rate, we will destroy our quality of life.

Reports show that these types of incidents are happening more each year. Strategies that are pro-active and intentional must be implemented to stop this discouraging trend.

Back in the day, our parents taught us certain lessons at a very early age. I believe we must return to the old school. Teaching right and wrong must become more of a priority. If we wait, it might be too late, and we will become mournful and remorseful.

Parents must be parents and not friends to their children. Frederick Douglas said, “It is easier to build strong children than it is to repair broken men”.

Community organizations and recreation centers must offer workshops on how to solve disagreements without violence. Understanding how to lower the temperature about a dispute could be lifesaving.

Partnering with United Way and fraternities and sororities could provide the necessary funding for such initiatives. The most important step in doing this is the first step. It is the will that we must have to see the problem and then do something about it.

Having a spiritual foundation is a characteristic that must be present as we try to create a brother and sister attitude. We hear a lot about forgiveness. Forgiveness is an act. Saying I am sorry is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

There are other ways that will help us to ward off violence and discord where we live. Our children and grandchildren are watching us so we must be careful about the image we portray to them.

In the coming weeks, we will celebrate July 4th and Labor Day with great revelry. Let’s do so with joy and happiness. Let’s put a halt to bad behavior. Tomorrow awaits us. Let’s be there to see it.