Are You Raising One of the Next Generation of Hoodlums? ARE YOU READY FOR SUMMER?

Dr. Joyce Teal

by Dr. Joyce Willard Teal

Allow me to take the liberty to remind readers once again as I did nearly a year ago at the beginning of a new school year that we are again at the end of another school year and the start of summer vacation for millions of children throughout the United States. Summer is a critical time for children because many of them are left without adequate supervision. For some unknown reason, many parents truly believe that if their children are thirteen or fourteen years old (and sometimes even younger), they can stay at home with no supervision, and even babysit younger siblings while parents are at work. But this simply is not true!  While the child may appear mature enough to handle this responsibility, it is important that parents understand that a thirteen or fourteen-year- old child is still a child, and as such should not be burdened with the responsibility that many mature adults have trouble handling satisfactorily.

I appeal to parents once again. If you have not already done so, begin now investigating summer programs and activities that will engage your children in programs that will occupy them in positive ways while at the same time assuring that they are not idle and looking to easily get into mischief, some of which may be criminal.

Not one week passes (and sometimes not one day) when we don’t hear about one or more of our children being involved in negative activities which involve them early in their lives in the juvenile justice system, a system that is not kind to our children. But I assert that the children whose parents keep them involved in wholesome, age-appropriate activities that are of interest to the children have a lot fewer problems of this nature.

A big part of positive parenting is helping your child to feel good about himself or herself by nurturing self-esteem without going overboard. It is important to realize that this does not come from catering to his or her every whim or showering him or her with insincere flattery, but by praising your child’s legitimate accomplishments. When you engage your child in healthy pursuits that assist to keep him/her focused in a positive direction, you and your child both will feel good about his/her accomplishments.

Are you raising one of the next generation of hoodlums? A truthful negative response to this query is primarily in your hands. You can be in the process of raising a wonderful boy (or girl) who will be proud of him or herself and who will make you a proud parent. But the operative word is YOU. You must take the time to find out about age-appropriate summer programs available in your area. You must be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to pay the fee, if one is required. You must be willing to assume the responsibility to transport your child to and from the activity (or make safe arrangements). Be aware that you can raise your child in such a way that he or she will be a joy to you. You will be able to enjoy your child’s company, and so will the other adults with whom he or she has contact. And I repeat, the operative word is YOU. Children are going to be children. They are going to be immature and occasionally mischievous. It’s the nature of children. But they respond to being loved and nurtured. AND DISCIPLINED!

Look out for your child. Head off trouble by keeping your child positively engaged. Yes, to do so requires sacrifice, but today’s sacrifice can mean tomorrow’s peace of mind. And when you love your child, you have peace of mind only when he or she is doing well!