Are You Manifesting These Christian Virtues? I Thessalonians 1:1-4 Part I

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

Since you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior, can you truly declare that you are living a God-pleasing life?  In our text, the Apostle Paul was very proud of the fact that the believers at Thessalonica were living God-pleasing lives.  The Apostle Paul was only with these believers for less than a month, but everywhere he went he heard about the exemplary character of these believers.   In these verses, Paul Silas and Timothy are continuously giving thanks to God for the marvelous conduct of these believers because they not only heard the gospel, but they manifested the effectual power of it in their lives.

Thus, the basis of Paul’s thanksgiving to God was Paul and his companion’s memory of the Christian virtues displayed in the lives of these believers.  They remembered the believers’ “work of faith”, their “labor of love” and their “patience of hope”.  They gave evidence of their selection by God because they had a faith that worked, and a love that labored and hopes accompanied with patience.

Are you manifesting these abiding virtues of Christianity?  If not, yield to the submission of the Holy Spirit, for He will give you the enablement to manifest these virtues like the Thessalonians believers. As Christians, God wants us to be vibrant witnesses for Him in these crucial days to such a degree that when unsaved people see us, they see believers who are reflections of Christ. Remember that only Christians can manifest these abiding virtues. If you are not saved, turn to the only one who can saved, for Jesus Christ said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” And in John 6:37b, He imparted these words: “And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Accept the words of Christ today, in your hearts, and be eternally saved. Then, as the Holy Spirit guides you, you will produce these virtues also.

God Bless!