“American Legion Honors Gold Star Mother”


American LegionMembers of the 5th District of Texas American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) honored Gold Star Mother Carol Ann Kruger at the Dallas Laurel Land 70th Annual Memorial Service, Monday, May 25, 2015.  Ms. Kruger’s son – Lieutenant Colonel Eric J. Kruger died November 2, 2006 while serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom in Baghdad, Iraq, of  injuries suffered when an IED detonated near his vehicle.  Pictured L-R:  Sr. Master Sergeant Shelby Walker ( Post 511), ALA Unit 275

Pres. Virginia Perez, 5th District ALA Pres. Myrtle Johnson, Ms. Kruger, ALA Unit 802 Pres. Dr. Kimberly Walker Brown, and Sr. Master Sergeant Kennard Bowen (Post 511).


Story provided by Ms. Kibmerly Walker