Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

As we continue in the grand study of the book of Romans, we can readily discern from the previous section (1:1-17), Paul’s heartfelt obligation to share the “good news” (gospel) of Jesus Christ to the entire human race.  This gospel that Paul was so eager to share centered in the person of Jesus Christ.  Paul was so eager to share the gospel with mankind because he knew how it had transformed his life; his life had been transformed from being a persecutor to a proclaimer of the gospel.


The book of Romans expresses the fact that mankind can receive a righteousness from God if he or she will only respond in faith to the gospel message (Romans 1:17).  Having shown in the first section that God had provided a righteousness for mankind through faith, Paul will bring out in the next section (1:18-3:20) mankind’s utter need for God’s righteousness.  Apart from God’s imputed righteousness through faith in His Son, all men stood hopelessly condemned! In verse 18, Paul discloses that the “wrath of God” is in opposition to mankind’s sinfulness.  God is indeed against all forms of ungodliness and wickedness of mankind.  The need for God’s provided righteousness is revealed because the Gentiles suppressed the truth – they held down the truth!  These Gentiles continued to suppress the truth, even refusing to heed to it.  The truth that they had concerning God was suppressed.


The truth concerning God generally is available to all mankind through a revelation called natural revelation (vs. 19-23).  This revelation that Paul will discuss was very plain, for God has made it very plain (v. 19).  Today, of course, God speaks loudly through His Son, Jesus, and that revelation is from His word (Hebrews chapter 1).  According to verse 20, through natural revelation, the Gentile world had knowledge of God’s eternal power and divine nature.

Today, mankind can look at the ordered universe, and it will disclose that God is the creator of it.  The creation that people see reveals that there is an invisible God with unique qualities and who is all-powerful.  As a fitting conclusion to the natural revelation that mankind has, Paul states clearly that man is without excuse (v.20).  Yes, it is certainly illogical and absurd for any man to refute the existence of God with the evidence natural revelation presents.  Again, the very heavens reveal the fact that there is a God for Psalm 19:1 says – “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.”  This section of the book of Romans has revealed man’s baseless and illogical rejection of God’s existence in the face of the natural revelation and light given to him in creation.  How senseless, for no wonder the psalmist has said – “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 14:1).


In verses 21-23, because mankind had rejected the light of natural revelation, his progressive movement was downward.  Having a knowledge of God, mankind moved progressively away from God, for “they glorified Him not as God” (v. 21).  In other words, they did not give God His rightful place.  Mankind even thinks foolishly because his heart is foolish and depraved!  Mankind’s foolish thinking is exhibited in mankind’s baseless worship of idols (vs. 22-23).   Mankind became so degenerate and his actions were seen in his perversion of sex (v.24).  Gross immorality is at an all-time high in this world today, for the immoral acts of man are totally against God’s revelation.  Because of mankind’s gross immorality, God gave them up – that is, He handed them over.  Continuing in his state of gross immorality, mankind was guilty of worshipping the creature more than the creator (v. 25).


In verses 26-27, the Gentiles became so degenerate until they began to engage in “passions of disgrace and dishonor.”  In other words, both sexes were guilty of engaging in homosexual relationships instead of heterosexual relationships.  Homosexual relationships are definitely perverse and are against God.   Finally, in verses 28-32, the utter rebellion of mankind is further seen in the sins that he commits.  Mankind is certainly not going in a direction upward to God; instead, mankind is headed in a downward direction.  Although mankind knows God’s judgment against such sins, he continues to practice these sins, even approving of those who commit such sins (v.32)!   May God Bless!