A Little Bit of Faith:Remembering the Blue


Today when the wind blew across my face, it reminded me of you—your smile, your words, your touch.

Seeing you standing in the   distance, I could hear you whispering words of love, joy, and peace to me.

Since you were taken away too soon, I no longer have you walking next to me or standing by my side.

You were a light, a light shooting across the night sky glistening through the dark—your light was bright.

You were fond of wearing Blue, that’s why you worked hard at protecting your community. Never really hearing words of appreciation, you continued to put on the badge because you knew that the work you did had to be done. It was a calling that you felt compelled that you had to answer and you did each and every time.

We used to watch the nightly news and see how things were being handled in other cities. With tears filling your eyes, you never wanted that to happen on your watch. You were often careful to be slow to anger and quick to listen and show respect to the people you were serving. You never wanted it to be said that you were like the others. You wanted to be different and serve with pride.

But all that changed when five roses fell and the nation watched you and the others wearing the Blue run toward the chaos when the crowd ran away. You and your band of brothers and sisters, wearing the Blue, were there to protect that day.  Still wanting to defend, you put it all on the line right to the very end.  Rest in peace, my love—taken toward the heavenly sky floating like angels gliding along the air and over the rainbow and across the sunbeams in the sky.

Be at peace, my darling—for the world is beginning to see the madness that exists. We will learn from this. We must learn how to listen carefully to one another now that the whole world is watching and watched each rose petal fall.  Five petals blowing in the wind like pebbles of sand gliding through the air and falling back down to the ground again. Each petal stood tall against the wind and fell knowing it had to defend.


The nation will remember what all of you did that day. Our hearts are filled with gratitude knowing that each and every one of you were willing to give your lives for a friend. The Word says that “there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).