A Little Bit of Faith: There is Hope

Colleen White
Colleen White


When life is hard, you need to seek out God and find rest in Him. In the book of Psalm it says, “But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” (Psalm 73:28) God is near even when you think He is far away. He is waiting for you to seek His face and His will for your life. Never allow yourself to feel like there is no hope. There is always hope.

Find your rest in Him.

We have to learn to be willing to take our eyes off of ourselves and look up to heaven for our hope. Without hope life can seem to be miserable. But when you know there is someone greater than you who wants the best for you, you can rest in knowing that things will be okay. For this reason, you need to call on Him. He is willing to listen to you. Never feel like you must do it all by yourself. Call on Him for help.

Therefore, when you feel like you want to turn away from God, you need to turn toward Him instead.

The best place to find refuge is in God’s loving arms. There is no other place you should want to be when you feel like the world is falling around you. You can find rest in Him.

So let us be like the Psalmist, “…it is good to be near God.” (Psalm 73:28) Do you want to draw closer to God? If you do, then simply call on Him and find rest. Be at peace. Can you do that this week? I know I will.

Amen? Amen.