A Little Bit of Faith: The Outward Appearance of a Person

Colleen White
Colleen White

By Colleen White

Have you ever met a person who dresses extremely well? Did you think that the person had it all together? That same person may have been an executive at a major firm, drove and expensive car and spent money all around town. This may have impressed you for some reason. This is often the case. We as human beings tend to look at the outward exterior of a person’s life. We think that if the person has financial success or status that they are doing well in life.

However, the Bible sees this differently. In the book of First Samuel it says, “For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

First impressions can be important. However, first impressions are not that important to our Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father is more concerned about what is going on inside a man’s heart. While we are often taken by the bling, the glamour, and the prestige of a person’s life, God is more concerned about that person’s heart and soul.

This is why, as Christians, we should not allow a person’s outward appearance to cloud our view as to how God would have us to see them. When we are too impressed by a person’s outward appearance, we can be too easily swayed to come to the wrong conclusion about that person. Hasty conclusions can lead to wrong decisions.

Then what shall we do? We should ask our Heavenly Father to help us to not judge people by what they may or may not have and be willing to see them more through His eyes. So the next time you’re about to make a judgment about a person, take a minute to pray so that you will not make the wrong judgment of that person based on their outward appearance.

Amen? Amen.