A Little Bit of Faith: Teach Your Child Well


If you have children, you know how difficult it can be to raise them. Sometimes you’re not sure if you are doing the right thing or not. However, the Bible says that if you teach your child about right from wrong then later in life they will not depart from it. It may seem like it’s a difficult thing to do, but this is what must be done. In the book of Proverbs it says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Never grow weary in doing the right thing. The right thing for parents, teachers, and society to do is to teach children how to do what is right. In the world we live in today, children seem as if they do not want to listen to their parents or people in authority.  Nevertheless, when children are shown love, taught how to act, and given a chance to do the right thing, they learn that it’s okay to do what’s right.

Often, however, we want to simply tell children what to do.  They also have to see the right things being done as well.  If we simply tell and not show, then we as a society are being hypocrites.  This is not what we want to do.  We also want to be good examples for our children as well.

It’s easy to tell a child, “Do as I say.”  Instead, we should also show them how to do better. Once they see right actions being lived out before them, it will be easier for children to want to do the right thing.  Never grow weary when you are trying to do right. Stay focused and call on our Heavenly Father to help you to do the right thing as well. God is waiting and willing to help.

Let’s help our children to do better. Amen? Amen.