A Little Bit of Faith: Storms Will Come


Do you sometimes feel as if your life is one big movie? There is always some kind of drama in your life.  Perhaps you are just coming out of a storm and you’re thankful that you made it onto the other side. Yet, you are beginning to see another storm slowly moving in your direction. What do you do?

All of us are either in a storm or coming out of a storm or going back into another storm. And sometimes storms can come in several waves. This is difficult. These types of storms can test our faith. We may feel as if God no longer cares for us. Or we may begin to think that we are not really walking with God because we have had or have so many storms in our lives.

However, just because we are followers of Christ does not mean that our faith won’t be tested. In 1 Peter it says, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you,” (1 Peter 4:12).  Peter was telling the early Christians that they should not find it odd that they will have trials and tribulations. This is part of the Christian walk.

Nevertheless, we are human. Since we are human, we do not want to go through any difficult situations. We want our lives to be calm and have smooth sailing. So whenever we are in a trial for a long time, we might feel as though God has forgotten us. In the book of Psalm it says, “How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?” (Psalm 13:1). Just know that God has not forgotten you. He is with you through the storm.

If you’re in a storm, coming out of a storm, or about to go into another storm, keep the faith and know that God is with you.  You can find rest in Him. “My soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge,” (Psalm 57:1).  Let’s remember to make God our refuge. Amen? Amen.