A Little Bit of Faith: Storms Love More Sincerely


How do you show love? Do you love from a sincere heart? Do you love from a sincere conscience? Or do you have a difficult time showing
any kind of love? In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul explains how we are to love. He says, “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Timothy 1:5). Knowing how to love with a sincere heart and pure faith sounds like it is easy to do. However, it is not.

Many of us have not seen a good example of love in our homes, marriages, or from our friends. Matter of fact, much of the love we are shown in our society is a distorted type of love. But pure love should come from a good place inside of us that derives from our faith. God wants us to love Him with a sincere heart and not with words only, but with our actions as well.

If you are the kind of person who talks a great talk about your love for God and others and yet, your actions don’t line up with your words, then you might need to take a moment to think about what you are doing. None of us love perfectly. However, we can learn to love more sincerely. Our heavenly Father desires that our actions be a reflection of a sincere and pure heart. When we are able to love more sincerely and purely, then we are getting closer to how Paul would like for us to love one another.

Do you want to learn how to love more sincerely? The first step is to learn how to worship God in faith and truth. Once we are able to learn how to love God with a sincere heart, then our actions will start to reflect more of His love and sincerity. Are you ready to love with a God like heart? I know I am.

Amen? Amen.