A Little Bit of Faith: Show Love


Sometimes as Christians, we can be a little smug if we are able to quote scripture at the drop of a dime, or we feel as though we are in the right about something thus we are unable to have compassion for the other person, we are not showing Christ-like love. However, this is not how we are supposed to be. In the book of Corinthians it says, “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:2).

As Christians, we miss the opportunity to show Christ-like love to people because we are unable and unwilling to have compassion for another person. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why our friends and family have a difficult time seeing Christ who lives in us. Love is the most important thing that we can show and have for people. Paul says that love must be the reason why we are able to express our faith to others, not because we think we are right and we want to prove it to people.

In this New Year, let your Christ-like love be the reason why you share your faith with your family and friends. Don’t try to force the way you think your family or friends should live. But with your love, your friends and family will see Christ in you. Let the love of Christ live more fully in you during this new and exciting year ahead. Make this your New Year resolution. Amen? Amen.