A Little Bit of Faith: Share the Word


Have you ever felt like you’re children aren’t listening to you? Does it seem like no matter what you share with your children concerning your faith, they don’t seem to hear or see what it is you are trying to share with them?  Those of us who have children have all felt like this from time to time. It seems like the more you try to share your faith with your children, the less they want to hear.

You know what? You need to keep sharing your faith with them no matter what. God’s word never comes back void. No matter what, at some point in their lives, they will remember some of the things you may have shared with them over the years. It’s still up to your child to accept or reject the word of God, but the truth of God’s word will remain.

In the book of Psalm it says, “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5). Although, you are unable to see what God is doing, He is at work.  Your child’s heart may change toward God as he or she gets older. Or perhaps, as their lives move forward and they begin to experience life for themselves, your soft words of love and faith reminds them of God’s grace and mercies and then they open their hearts to receive the Lord.

Therefore, we must not look at ourselves and determine whether or not we are getting through to our children, simply continue to share the Word in love and you will show your children that “…the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100: 5).

Never give up sharing God’s Word with your family. His Word will endure. You only have to be willing to share His Word. Be strong my friends, you can do it. Keep the faith. Amen? Amen.