A Little Bit of Faith: : Pray Wisely

Colleen White
Colleen White

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Many of us may have learned to say this prayer when we were children. We may have been taught the prayer by our parents, grandparents, or in Sunday school. For this reason, we may see it as a simple prayer. But it’s not. Jesus said this is how we are to pray. One of the most important aspects of this prayer is “your will be done…” Often we say that we want God’s will to be done in our lives, but do we really mean it?

Typically when we pray, we are letting God know what we desire to have Him do, but we really do not want to leave room for Him to do His will. If our prayers are not answered in the exact manner that we think they should be, we become upset with God. We begin to think that He does not care for us or that we know best. Once we start taking things in our own hands, we are leaving God out of the equation.

Having God’s will to be done in our lives does not mean that it is always going to go our way. Sometimes God’s will is not our will. This does not mean that He does not care about our prayers, He does. What it does mean is that God knows what is best for us. Having His will done in our lives can have us question Him. But no worries—He has our back.

So the next time you pray, remember to leave room in your prayer for God to do His will. Allow God to do as He sees fit in your situation. Allowing God to do as He sees fit allows us to become more like little children because we are walking by faith and not by sight. We are completely trusting God. Let us be willing to wait on God’s answers to our prayers. Amen? Amen.

(My Psalms: A Collection of Poems is on Amazon. Look for it!)