A Little Bit of Faith: Let Your Light Shine


“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord”

(Hebrews 12:14).    This scripture speaks to the core of who we are as Christians.  It seems as if it’s too much for us, but it’s not.  If we say that we follow Jesus Christ, then this is what is expected of us.  We should be the first ones seeking out peace when situations appear to be chaotic.  Why? Well, we want our society to get a glimpse of Christ living in us.

Then the next question to ask is, “What is holiness?”  This means that we are separated unto God therefore, living a life that pleases Him.  How do we please God? We please God by our faith which is living according to His word. Without these two elements, it is difficult for the non-believer to see God in us.

Does this mean we live a perfect life? No.  We all miss the mark, but we strive to please God in all that we do.  Just like a children should obey their parents. However, they don’t always listen to their parents. Yet, this does not mean that their parents no longer loves them. The same can be said for our Heavenly Father, He still loves us.

Therefore we must remember that as believers in Christ, we are “the light of the world.” Our light should not be hidden.   We should let our light shine before people so that they will see our good works that are done in Jesus’ name. Can you let your light shine this week? I know I will. Amen? Amen.