A Little Bit of Faith: Let God Plan Your Steps This Year

Colleen White
Colleen White

HAPPY NEW YEAR!   Many of us have made New Year resolutions. And you may do this every year. Yet somewhere along the way, your New Year resolution becomes old, stale, and later forgotten. Part of the reason could be that it was all your plans and not God’s plans for your life. The Bible says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps,” (Proverbs 16:9).


If this has been you in the past, then maybe you should seek God’s will for your life this New Year. What has God placed heavily on your heart? How has God been showing you that He may want you to take a different path? What is God saying to you?


When we are quiet in our spirit, we can hear God speaking to us more clearly. Perhaps during your time of prayer, set aside some time to be quiet and still. You may be surprised at the soft whisper you hear speaking to you. You might be able to hear what God desires for you to do this year.


Instead of making a resolution this year, let God guide you toward what it is that He wants you to do. Whatever it is, if it’s God’s will, and you are doing His will, it will get done. First, you must seek His will. Can you do that this New Year? I know I will. Amen? Amen.