A Little Bit of Faith: Learn the Lesson


If you’re a parent, there are times you have to discipline your child. You discipline your child out of love for him or her. You’re not disciplining them simply to be mean, but you’re also trying to help to correct something they may have done wrong in order for them to do better.  When a child is being disciplined they don’t like it, but as they continue to mature and grow, they will see that what you did out of love helped to make them a better person and build their character.

We are the same way with our Heavenly Father. We are His children. There are times that He must discipline us in order to correct something that has gone awry. While we are being disciplined we don’t like it, but if we are being truthful with ourselves, we will be thankful for His disciplining us in the end.

In the book Hebrews it says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it,” (Hebrews 12:11). Therefore, when we are disciplined, in love, by our Heavenly Father, He does it for our good. Learning how to be obedient and to have a repentant heart, can help us to grow in our character and learn to be more like Him.

If a parent truly loves his children, he will discipline them in love.  Christ disciplines those He loves. Therefore, if you’re being disciplined at this point of your life, by Christ, learn the lesson, repent, and turn away from it and thank God for showing you how to do better. Our character is built and strengthened through our obedience to Him.  Amen? Amen.