A Little Bit of Faith: Joy Is On Its Way

Colleen White
Colleen White

All of us have experienced painful and hurtful situations in our lives. We may have felt as though all hope was gone. That nothing could be done about our situation. Matter of fact, we may have felt like our only friends were misery and pain. When we are in this kind of a state of mind, it’s difficult to see a glimmer hope. However, in the book of Psalm it says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

The verse is reminding us that there is always hope. No matter how bleak our situation may appear to be, we can have hope. Having hope for a better situation can allow us to move forward because we know that we don’t have to remain hopeless. When we have hope, it is difficult for us to stay gloomy.

Joy can come to us through any situation as well. We might find joy in a person’s smile, in a gentle touch, by a helping hand. We can also be joyful when our situation seems like it may not change. Remaining joyful is a choice. We have to decide in our difficult situations how long we are going to allow our pain to remain. Most of us will allow ourselves to roll around in our pain. But there are a few of us who will decide that we may be down now, but tomorrow we are going to get back up and keep pushing forward.

If you are in a difficult situation right now, decide today that you won’t allow your pain to become your truth. Speak to your sorrow and let it know that you believe in what the Bible says that, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). Amen? Amen.