A Little Bit of Faith: Her Quiet Strength


Rosa Parks took a stand she sat down and folded her hands. Her feet were tired that day; she could not take one more step anyway. “Move to the back of the bus,” she was told by the bus driver who held all the gold. She stared him straight in his eyes and said, “No!” with her quiet eyes.  Insisting she move to the back of the bus, the bus driver continued to make a fuss.  She sat still holding her purse. She didn’t curse nor did she say an evil word.

Her quiet strength brought about a change that day. The police came and arrested the soft spoken woman that night. She was tired and wanted to rest her feet. But there was no way the system of oppression was going to allow her to sit still that day.

Mrs. Parks was taken down to the police station. She held her ground and prayed.  Her soft whispered prayers were heard and the Civil Rights Movement was birthed because of her. Who knew then all of the changes that would come, because one African-American woman refused to move to the back of the bus as she was told?

Dr. Martin Luther King became part of Rosa Park’s dream. Her desire to sit on a bus without fear, they boycotted for nearly a year. Who knew this little woman had so much strength? Her God did and that’s why she was able to stay the course and not move nor give in an inch.

A mighty woman she was. A mighty woman she still is. Rosa Parks started a movement. She didn’t know her actions would start the Civil Rights Movement.  She became a part of history. Her story is our story. Her strength is our strength. Her prayers are our prayers still to this day.  Who knew this quiet woman had so much strength? Her God did and that is why He sent her.  Holding fast to her faith, she kept her spirit free and her soul lifted.

There must be someone who is willing to take a stand in order to help the nation understand. Who will be our next Rosa Parks? Who has a quiet spirit and gentle heart? Who will help a nation to see that the Civil Rights Movement is still part of our history? We must remember the past so that we can move forward and not repeat the same story.

Now the new battle cry is “Hands up, don’t shoot” and all eyes are on Ferguson. Like Rosa Parks and her quiet strength helped to bring about change in Montgomery, Alabama, the same will come when all is said and done in Ferguson.