A Little Bit of Faith: He Lives!


If you believe in Christ, Easter is a time when Christians remember Christ’s death and resurrection. It’s a time of reflection concerning our faith as well. Many of us are like doubting Thomas at times.  We want God to constantly prove Himself to us.  But Jesus said, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).

We are to believe in Christ Jesus even when it is difficult for us. We are to believe in Him when our circumstances become too much for us to bear. Christ desires that our faith in Him be strong.  However, He knows that at times our faith in Him will waiver.  This is why in the book of Mark it says, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

Therefore, if you are struggling with your faith, it is okay.  The Lord Jesus Christ wants us to come to Him as we are. We don’t have to make ourselves better, we don’t have to try and clean ourselves up, nor do we have to be perfect. He simply wants us to come to Him.  He waits for us with open arms.

We serve a risen Christ. He lives! And because He lives, we do not have to fear being alone. Therefore, this Easter, take time to remember how Christ has forgiven you of your sins when He gave His life on the Cross so many years ago.  In the words of Jesus after He appeared to His disciples He said, “Peace be with you!” (John 20: 19)  Be at peace and enjoy the fullness of this Easter.  Happy Easter!