A Little Bit of Faith: He Can Be Your Rock

Colleen White
Colleen White

By Colleen White

“Everyone then who hears these words of Mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24). All of us have had storms in our lives. And like tornadoes that bring destruction, our lives have been battered; at some point, we become weary. But there is a person who is a mighty rock and strong foundation. He will never fail you nor will He leave you in the middle of your storm. He’s like a rock.

In the book of Matthew it tells us that we should build our faith on the rock of Jesus’ Word. He promises that we can withstand any storm when we have faith in Him. What storm is raging in your life? Are you willing to seek the will of God for your storm? Sometimes, we do are not ready for God to step in and take control of our lives. But, if we are willing to give Him a chance, He is able to meet us where we are.

Relationship struggles, issues with finances, problems at work—whatever the situation maybe, God is able to work it out for you. God’s Word, if we have faith in Him, is able to help keep us safe from the storms that come our way. This is why God’s Word is able to keep us strong when we are ready to give up.

Are you ready to put your faith in God? If so, He is ready to be your Rock in the middle of the storm. I know I want Him to be my Rock. Amen? Amen.