A Little Bit of Faith: God’s Word Is a Light


Many of us read magazines, novels, websites, newsletters and the like. We read because we want to be informed, entertained, or to find answers to our problems. But there is one book that has been relevant and important for thousands of years—the Bible. Have you read the Word lately? Do you seek to find your answers, your strength, or your guidance in the Bible? If you consider yourself to be a Christian, the word of God should be the first place you go to.  In the book of Psalm it says, “Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever, for they are the rejoicing of my heart” (Psalm 119:111).

The Bible is the foundation of our Faith in Christ. It provides God’s plan for all of us to read and understand. It is our roadmap, it is our guiding post, and it is our light. The Bible helps to reflect and show the heart of God and allows us to know what has happened before us and how we are to live our lives today. God’s Word never changes.

It’s human nature for us to want to change things for our benefit, but God’s word changes not. It’s the same today, tomorrow, and forever. This is what’s so amazing about it. Once we learn to have a heart and a desire for God, we’ll want to know more about Him through reading His Word. It’s funny, many of us will profess Christ, but we barely know Him because we spend little time with Him. If you were in a relationship with someone, you would never say you love the person and you’ve never spent any time with them. Right. Well people are willing to profess their love for Christ and not spend any time with Him through prayer and reading His word. Does that make sense? Think about it.


Now that it’s summer, let’s spend a little bit more time with our Lord and Savior.  If you can, start your day by reading His word and praying. If you’re not able to do that, spend part of your lunch reading His Word and praying. Okay, still don’t have enough time to do that, then end your day by reading His Word and praying. When you say you love someone, you desire to share your time and your life with them. Share your time and your life with the Lord.  When you begin to put Him first, you’ll see that your desire to know Him more will grow. Why? Because you are building a relationship with the most important person in your life, your Savior.