A Little Bit of Faith: God Will Sustain You

Colleen White
Colleen White

“I lie down and sleep; I wake up again, because the Lord sustains me.” (Psalm 3:5) All of us take our daily blessings for granted. We assume that if we go to sleep, we will get up the next morning. We also assume that because we have all that we need that it will always be that way.

For this reason, we move through our lives forgetting how faithful God has been to us. We take Him for granted.

The God we serve is faithful to us. He walks with us during good and bad times. He provides for our needs and our wants as well. Unfortunately,
we often forget to thank God for how He has blessed us and provides for us. Often, we act like spoiled children who only seem to look for God when we are in need of something miraculous from Him.

As we get older, we tend to think that many of our successes have happened because of our own ability. We fail to acknowledge that God has
blessed us and met our needs even when we were not deserving of it. God still showed us mercy.

God has stayed close to us because of the love He has for us. This is why the Psalmist is able to acknowledge that “…the Lord sustains me” (Psalm 3:5). Can you take this week and ponder how God has sustained you? If you do this, you will have a more thankful heart. I know I’ll take the time to do it. Amen? Amen.