A Little Bit of Faith: God Is On Your Side


Have you ever done something good for someone and then they turn around and do evil towards you?  If you have, you’re in good standing. The Bible says in the book of Matthew that you are to “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27-28).   It seems like a difficult thing to do, but it can be done.

When you help someone, you should not expect anything in return. And if for someone reason, your kindness is not truly appreciated, don’t worry about it, keep doing good. This is what is expected of a person who follows Christ.  People are often not appreciated for the good work they may do. This is typical.  However, what is not typical is for that same person to continue to do the good work and be joyful about doing it. If this is you, then you are being Christ-like.

Doing good because of the love of Christ that lives in you should not be unusual, it should be the norm. But in the type of society we live in today, people often expect the worst of each other.  This should not be the norm.

As Christians, we should be the first to offer a kind word, a gentle touch, or a warm smile to someone who needs it. Why should we bother? We should be willing to show compassion to others because Jesus was and is our best example.  In the book of Acts it says, “Jesus of Nazareth…went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him”  (Acts 10:38).

Therefore, when you are helping others, don’t worry because God is on your side! God is our best example. So the next time you help someone and they don’t seem to appreciate it, remember that you’re doing what God would have you to do. Amen? Amen!